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A brief summary of how in 2012 my journey with photography got started. At the time I was trying to take images while walking my dog but would frequently come home disappointed. I just could not seem to capture the beautiful scenery and light my eyes could see. So in 2012 I decided to join a Camera Club, at that time I had absolutely no idea how to use the settings on a camera or that ISO or F numbers existed.

Taking up photography and learning how to use my camera turned out for me to be a life changing decision. I had been struggling with extreme anxiety for many years, which at times stopped me doing day to day things. My world had got smaller and smaller as leaving the house for anything other than work was mentally draining. 

As time moved on and with the help of some great people at the club my confidence grew. I now enjoy being outside in all weathers, as my selfie image shows. This image always makes me smile as it reminds me how my life has changed, the joy I felt trying to stand up in gale force wind and rain in the pursuit of an image. It’s a great feeling to be in the moment with a peaceful mind, and hopefully if I get an image that I love, then its the cherry on the cake. 

Luskentyre Beach at Dawn

This image was taken while on a solo trip to the Isle of Harris in April 2024. I had been inspired by Nigel Danson a photographer I follow on Youtube, who stayed at Luskentyre alone for one month to capture the different conditions.

I have discovered over the years that I’m a slow photographer. I prefer to take time to get the feeling of a place to get the best from it, although this isn’t always possible. The thought of staying in one location for a few days really appealed to me. I’d also seen some beautiful images of the Isle of Harris from a lady at our camera club some years earlier, so it was already on my list of locations to visit.

Dalmatian Pelican Bathing

One of those days when you are not feeling it but make yourself get out there. Boxing day 2023 I had planned to go to Arundel Wetlands to see the Kingfisher,  the weather was overcast, cold and unappealing. Reluctantly we went, nearing the end of our visit the clouds opened up for a short while to let this beautiful ray of light through. I’m extra pleased with this image as I’m quite a novice with nature photography or anything that moves. Normally its a blast of images and hopefully one is ok but I took my time to think about the composition, to avoid the grass bank in the background and to correctly expose for the highlights. To date (08.24) this image has received a public vote of best image in an exhibition and won a selectors award with top marks for the SPA biennial exhibition 2024. It just goes to show we need to make ourselves get out when we are not feeling creative or the weather and light is not great as you never know what you could come home with.

Blue Vista

Along with Landscape, Nature and Macro photography I really enjoy Abstract images, mostly created from in camera Multiple Exposures or ICM (Intentional Camera Movement). I tend to find these work really well printed on matt paper, as it seems to enhance them with a painted look which I like. Abstract photography is not to everyone’s taste and can be like marmite, you either love it or hate it.